Canberra creative agency Zoo Group launches Vegemite ad to secure ‘Yes’ votes

No doubt your Facebook feed is currently dominated by rainbow logos, but one Canberra creative agency has gone a step further in a bid to encourage people to vote yes to marriage equality.

Zoo Group has drawn on the quintessential Aussie brand – Vegemite – to target what creative director Jason Perelson refers to as “the undecideds”.

The Facebook graphic, cleverly-written and using the Vegemite brand colour palette, has so far reached more than 20,000 people online.

“The whole concept came from my wanting to actually do something for the debate,” Perelson said.

“So, I stepped back and wondered, ‘how do we actually have a meaningful debate with such a contentious issue, in a way that can quickly, and succinctly get it across in a Gen Z world?’

“Instead of just sticking a rainbow flag on our logo, we wanted to actually change behaviour – that’s what advertising boils down to anyway. Understanding human behaviour, psychology and our day to day lives are vital ingredients to how we design.”

Perelson said he was delighted with the response to the Vegemite graphic, which has been shared more than 150 times on Facebook.

“We’re not going to change the minds of voters on either Yes or No camps – but the ‘undecideds’ – they’re the target market,” he said.

“So, the team and I worked on just how we can frame the debate differently, in a way that cuts through the waves of information on every channel, publication, street, billboard and dog house, by literally swapping out the words ‘Same Sex Marriage’.

“Suddenly, people see it from a whole different context.”


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